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Sunday, 6 May 2018

Life Lessons | Things You Should Know | Shahraj

Life Lessons:

Life lessons are something which inspires others. They can be mistakes of someone or they can be thoughts of some others.

Life lessons, speakitupshahraj
(PC: Hari Nair)

#Read My Full Article On The Power Of Positivity | Shahraj

While reading some contents on Quora.com, I got an idea to give you some life lessons what I and my some best friends have experienced personally. 
(They are mostly mistakes what we had made). And also I will include some life lessons experienced by successful peoples.

Hope you will enjoy this and you will learn from these lessons.

Things You Should Keep In Your Mind:

1. Never compare yourself with others. Comparing yourself to others leads you to hate yourself somewhere. 

2. Be fearless. Once you are fearless then no external force will be able to stop you.

#Read My Full Article On Be Fearless |  How Conquer The Fear | Shahraj

Life lessons, be fearless, speakitupshahraj
(Be Fearless)

3. Follow your passion, it will definitely make you reach success. While Following your passion, you will never get bored. You will always enjoy it.

4. Studying is very easier than following your passion. Yes, it's true. You have the proper path for studying but you don't have a proper path for your passion. You have to struggle for it.

5. Know yourself thoroughly. If you don't know yourself, then I'm pretty sure that you can't achieve anything. Be truthful to yourself.

6. Be aware when you are awake. There is always more to learn and observe every day. You will get time to sleep in the night. :p

Life lessons, speakitupshahraj

7. Be fit :p. Do regular workout at least for 45 minutes per day. It will make you physically as well as mentally fit.

8. Never argue for anything which is right. You don't need to argue for anything which is right. Anything which is right is a fact itself. You don't need to prove it through arguing.

9. Never make your parents upset. Making your parent upset is the worst thing you can do. Your parents may support you or they may not support you, but that doesn't mean they don't love you. They love you more than anyone can.

10. Respect others. If you respect others, they will respect you more. Disrespecting others will show your poor mentality.

11. NEVER GIVE UP. Everyone use to say this, but no one follows it. There are two possibilities: Success or failure. If you follow "Never Give Up" then you may succeed or you may fail. But if you don't follow "Never Give Up" then you are definitely going to fail.

12. Don't underestimate yourself. You are more than you think. Underestimating yourself is disrespecting yourself.

13. Sometimes you need to Be selfish. Thinking for yourself is good if it doesn't harms anybody. If it harms anybody then you will be cruel.

14. Control your anger before it destroys you. Anger is that emotion which will always lead you to think aggressively. It will harm others but it will destroy you.

15. Always take decisions when your mind is calm. This is a subpart of our last point. While your mind is calm, you can think more and you will find the right decisions.

16. Be patient. Patience is the most powerful psychological tool. You can achieve everything if you have patience. It will never make you regret.

17. Friendship needs care for each other. Friends simply means a person with whom you have a mutual affection (except sexual relation or family relation). If you have a mutual affection with a person then you must care about him/her. 

Life lessons, speakitupshahraj

18. Don't trust your best friends BLINDLY. They can be more cruel from your biggest enemy. Its true somewhere. Trust them but not BLINDLY.

19. Be persistence with your passion. Keep trying your passion with constant practice without caring about the results or consequences.

20. Attitude is everything. Attitude here means positive attitude. Do everything in attitude. Your attitude will show your personality,confidence and mentality.

#Read My Full Article On Attitude Is Everything.

Life lessons, speakitupshahraj
(PC: Hari Nair)

21. Kindness matters a lot. If you are kind to others, then they will respect you. And respect is more than anything else. Agree? Also they will be kind to you.

22. Self- confidence helps you to grow. Confident on yourself, will always provoke you to achieve something more than the last performance. It will help you in growing.

23. Over-confidence will definitely sink you. You can do it, its your confidence. Only you can do it, it's your over confidence. If you are overconfident on yourself, it means you are underestimating those who can perform better than you.

24. Fear is mostly an illusion. Once you start performing, your all fear will vanish. Its just an emotion. You can't conquer it completely, but you can control it.

Life Lessons, speakitupshahraj

25. Try to experiment something new. Try to be creative. Again, if you try something new, you may succeed or you may fail. But if you dont try something new, then you are definitely going to achieve nothing.

26. Be a good speaker. You must learn how to speak. Speaking doesnt mean speaking unnecessarily. Good speaker always speaks right. They dont argue for anything. 

27. Be a good listener. Before speaking anything, you must be a good listener. Listen to others as much as you can. Then act accordingly.

28. Be self-dependent. Depend on yourself. See yourself through the eyes of yours. You can conclude more about yourself. You will know yourself  more.

29. Follow Humanity. Respect others choice, help others irrespective of religion, caste, colour, etc. It will increase your moral and it will bring peace in your mind.

30. Do works based on your priority. Most of the time, We all do what we dont like. We all do the things which will makes our family/friends/partner's happy. We dont care about our priority, which will lead you to regret later in your life.

Life lessons, Speakitupshahraj

31. While in a relationship, give priority to your partner.They are with you because they think you love them more than anyone can. And if they are with you, then it's your responsibility to give them priority. Show them that you really cares.

32. Never get carried away with your success. That's the point where every newbie successful people takes the wrong step. Success is just a result. You have to keep learning and you have to keep going on.

33. Try to touch the sky but your feet should be on the ground. Always try to be down-to-earth type. We all want to touch the sky, but our feet should be in ground. We can fall from that height too.

34. Take Risks but with proper plans.Yes, you have to take risk just to achieve something but with proper plans. You have to make a plan B always if your first plan doesn't works.

35. Failure is good. Failure is an opportunity to perform the same task again with having proper knowledge. So never be upset whenever you fails.

36. Mistakes are acceptable if you learn something from it. Mistakes happens. So better learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat them again in your life.

37. Have a Leadership quality in yourself. Nobody born as a leader. They adapt leadership. If they can became leader then you also can adapt leadership. You can also be leader.

#Read My Full Article On Leadership.

Life lessons, speakitupshahraj

38. Don't run after Perfection. It may make your work boring because you already did that thousands of time just to make yourself perfect in only a particular work. Your potential will be limited only to a particular work.

39. Have some mental strategies. This will increase your potential of thinking and performing. You can perform in every field if you have better mental strategies.

40. Your body won't give up before your mind. That's true. If you dont give up with your mind, then your body will not give up. If your body doesn't give up then you can perform more. If you can perform more then you can achieve more. And if you can achieve more then it will give you inner satisfaction.

41. Rest is necessary. You work hard all the day so your body needs rest. It will make you physically fit as well as mentally fit. Taking rest is also help you in thinking more.

42. Improvement is must. Self-improvement will help you in performing good and growing every single day.

43. Don't do the things in which you are not interested. Neither for anything nor for anyone. Otherwise they will use you the most.

44. Try to be happy always. Happiness will maintain our surrounding environment cool. It will maintain our mind calm and helps us in taking good decisions.

45. Make a plan every day. And try to Achieve that before you sleep. Time is never going to stop, so you have to do everything according to time. Better dont waste your time and achieve at least something every day. It will make you proud.

46. Learn from everything. You must have learning attitude. Learning will help you in gaining knowledge and a person with lots of knowledge can't be defeated easily.

Life lessons, speakitupshahraj
(PC: Hari Nair)

47. Focus on positivity rather than negativity. Negativity is like poison which is going to kill you and your performance somehow. 

48. Start saying 'NO' to others if you really dont want to do that particular work. If you can't say NO to others, then you can be used by them.

49. You become what you think. So think wisely, it's your life. If you think negative, then the result will be definitely negative and vice-versa. 

50. TRY TO HAVE A GREAT PERSONALITY. A person having a great personality is always praised. It will also help you to improve your overall mentality.

        - Maruf Shahraj Choudhury 👑

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