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Sunday, 13 May 2018

The Power Of Positivity | Shahraj

Positivity Is The Real Power:

What is the power of positivity? Is it going to make our life easy? Will it make our mind peaceful? The answer to all of these questions is YES.

The power of positivity, shahraj, speakitupshahrap, success

Positivity is an attitude in which one accepts the world as it is. It is a behavior in which you stay positive even when you have a really good point to be negative.

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Let us take a look at negativity too.
Negativity is an expression of criticism about something. It is an attitude which always expects the worst. It is a quality which lacks positivity, such as enthusiastic or interest in doing something.
It is an attitude which is not hopeful. Negative outcomes are bad outcomes, like, losing a game or disapproval of something.

We will make it little easy to understand:
    We can also say that negativity is a disease.  It happens to everybody. But those, who change it to positivity, we call them Successful and we call rest of the people as unsuccessful.

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Positivity will definitely make you successful. Always think positive and hope for something to happen positively. Let me add here that to succeed in your life, you have to think positive along with taking positive actions. Ensure that you are taking positive actions for everything you are doing.

Let Us Understand Positivity:

The power of positivity, shahraj, speakitupshahraj, success
(PC: Hari Nair)

  • Positivity is an Attitude. It is a powerful psychological tool. It is a power. A superpower.

  • Positivity is that attitude, it is that power, which can solve the biggest problem of your life in just a fraction of seconds.

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  • Positivity takes no time to kill your depression.

  • Once you are positive, then there is no one who can change your mind. There will be not a single negative thought which can change your mind. There will be no fear which can stop you.

  • You become unstoppable if you are positive.

  • Positivity will helps in taking right decisions.

  • Positivity is that power which will take you to the right direction. Also, if you are going in a wrong direction then positivity is that power which can make that direction right.

  • One of the best reason to be positive is, it will make you physically and mentally fit.

The power of positivity, shahraj, speakitupshahraj

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  • Positivity is a hope. Hope for something to happen. Something, which may be the worst, but we still hope for good.

  • A person having a positive attitude will always look at the bright side of life. 

  • Positivity says: 'I can', 'It is Possible', 'I will succeed'.
  • Negativity says: 'I cant', 'It is not possible, 'I will Fail'. 
Understood the difference? It's just only the thoughts. 
If we think good and hope for something to happen good, then its positivity or you can say positive attitude. (And vice-versa).

If you want to succeed in your life, then you have to adopt an attitude of positivity.

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Adopting an attitude of positivity is not going to happen overnight. You have to practice it regularly. You have to think positive. You have to replace your negative thoughts with constructive and happy thoughts.

A powerful way to be positive is smiling. Be aware of your surroundings, you will find thousands of reasons to smile. It will make your mind happy and calm, results in thinking positive.

The power of positivity, shahraj, speakitupshahraj

Let us end this topic with two short stories discussing "The Power Of Positivity":

Story 1:

Maruf has applied for a job. The interview was going to be held after a week. He is not at all positive, his self-esteem was too low, he continuously thinks that he will not get that job. He anticipates failure. He thinks that the rest of the applicants are more intelligent than him.

He is so frustrated, unhappy and depressed that he slept late at night before the day of the interview. So, he woke up late that day and found that the one shirt he is going to wear is dirty and rest of the shirts are not ironed. So he wore a wrinkled shirt. He even left his house for Interview without having breakfast.

While interview, he is frustrated, hungry, depressed, unhappy and worried about his shirt. His mind is full of distraction and the result, he wasn't selected for the job.

Story 2:

Hari also applied for the same job. He is positive. He prepared for his interview well. He has confidence in himself. He knew that if he will remain positive and take positive actions for the interview then he can get that job. He thinks about success. 

He was not frustrated. He was happy and also he had prepared well. He slept little earlier that night before the day of the interview. So he woke up early. He had enough time for ironing his shirt and for eating breakfast.

While interview, his mind was fresh, happy, he was not worried about anything so his interview was awesome. He got selected for the job.

So, what is the difference in these stories? Is there any magic used by Hari to get that job? This is simple. This is the power of positivity.

 - Shahraj

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